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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"YouTube Hall of Fame" - Grantland.com

YouTube Hall of Fame again. It's come to my attention that people aren't reading these? Are you nuts? This is one of the best ongoing series on the web. It's like watching some weird, personalized TV show with a really smart person who is telling you exactly what they're thinking about what's on the screen. Really, it's worth your time.

My favorite clip in this is Chris Jones' piece about the National performing "Mr. November" live. How that song was never used for a Tim Riggins scene in Friday Night Lights I'll never understand.* Huge miss there. I legitimately got chills at the 2:29 mark. That's awesome. The National are great.

*I realized after I wrote this that it was never used on a network TV show because the word "fuck" figures prominently into the chorus.

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